Are you looking for ways to upcycle your old jeans? Personally old blue jeans are one of my all-time favorite resources to craft with. Denim is so versatile, hard wearing and a readily available resource for craft projects, perfect for denim sewing projects.
Whether you want to use your old jeans to make curtains, rag quilts, pillows, bags, and even Christmas decorations you should find something here for you.

If you would like to read further before you crack on with a good denim upcycling projects:
These jean upcycling projects include many ideas for repurposing all of the jeans, for example using pockets to create a rug. Here is a collection of the best upcycled denim ideas on Vickymyerscreations
Feeling inspired by this fabulous collection of creative ideas for jeans? Wondering where to source old jeans?

Are you inspired by this wide range of things to make with denim? Do you need to source jeans to make your favorite jeans upcycling project? I am fortunate and regularly receive donations from work colleagues, school Mums, family members so spread the word you are on the lookout, all donations appreciated! But some denim sewing projects take more than the odd pair, what then?
- A call out to friends and family can be lucrative
- If you use social media a quick post on Facebook generally results in a few donations.
- Jumble sales, car boots, yard sales can all be a cheap source of denim
- Charity shops/Thrift stores – it is worth asking if they have some jeans they cannot be put out for sale, do they have a rag bin you can rummage through?
A potted history of denim jeans
Jeans are a design of trousers generally made from denim or a dungaree cloth. The term “jeans” refers to a style of trouser invented by Jacob Davis in partnership with Levi Strauss in 1873. Originally created for miners and cowboys jeans became popular in the 1950’s amongst teenagers. Today they are one of the most popular type of trousers in Western culture. The cloth is sturdy, originally designed with a cotton warp and wool weft, although nowadays the weft is usually cotton too. Originally dyed with indigo jeans are now dyed with synthetic dye.
Top Tips for Sewing Denim
Sewing jeans can be tricky. It is important to use a denim sewing machine needle and a long stitch. If your sewing machine is reluctant to sew denim check out my top tips for sewing denim video.
How to repair your jeans
If your first thought is to see if you can repair your jeans I can help. Read how to replace the zip without loosing the topstitching, or if you have ripped your jeans How to repair the inner thigh by hand.
Whatever you do don’t just throw your old jeans away!!