How to tie dye – 7 easy step by step instructions with 11 patterns to try
Childrens craft
I am super excited to show you just how easy it is to get started with gelli printing – all you need is a gelli plate, acrylic paint, and a brayer to make fabulous prints. This is a super fun, fast, and quick-drying method for printing. As with any printing the best results come with …
Today I am super excited to be hosting this DIY Felt Christmas Ornaments Kit post from Lisa of Cucicucioo Hey, there! My name’s Lisa and I’m the founder of Cucicucicoo: Eco Sewing & Crafting! I publish tutorials for creating beautiful and fun clothing and objects with respect for the environment. I love making something cool …
Dare I admit I made this year’s DIY Christmas cards in the summer?! Last year we sent about five cards, and the world didn’t end! But it didn’t feel quite right – this year we are sending a few more. The design is a quicker make – Christmas can become so hectic, I love sending handmade but at the …
OTeaching your child to sew Its been a delight to have a little time to sew for and with my daughter in the post Christmas breath and relax time. For far longer than I care to admit A has been asking me to make her some nappies for her dolls which wee. Disposable dolls nappies are …
A beautiful sunny day, combined with children objecting to a walk in the woods – whats one to do but find a craft orientated activity on pinterest and arm them with a bag for collecting the necessary resources!! The day was a truly beautiful autumn day. I was delighted I had packed my camera:) For …
Its half term here so the kids are on school holidays. I came to a realisation that my daughter would love Pinterest, I was not mistaken! Here’s her board of messy kids art ideas. The eagle eyed amongst you will realise that most activities she has pinned involve paint and shaving foam. Tuesday turned into a …
If you are looking for the Grow Your Blog post it is here. Introducing this weeks Quick Mid Week Upcycled Make, upcycled patchwork skirt. This week I have been determined to take part in Kids Clothes Week, committing to sewing for my children an hour a day for the week. I found an inspiring pattern “Skipping Skirt” in …
This week has been rather busy making a rocket costume required for a school blast off event. As usual I referred to Pinterest for rocket costume ideas, and found this great image from Doodlecraft. I made our own version, as we had no silver spray to hand to gain the silver effect I used a mixture …
My husband and I are not too good staying in all day with the kids – we tend to get cabin fever. For our family day out last weekend we visited Pensthorpe. “Set in the heart of the Norfolk countryside, in the beautiful and tranquil Wensum Valley, Pensthorpe is an award-winning mix of meandering nature trails …