Looking for that fabulous fabric flower to add to your hairpiece, to your fashion accessories, as home decor items or even a wedding bouquet? These easy fabric flower tutorials cover a whole range of material, from fabric to leather, to felt to burlap. I don’t know about you but I seem to have an endless …
For a bit of fun I decided to see what I could make from the one of those pleated tweed tartan wool skirts, which I traditionally think of older ladies wearing… frustratingly I didn’t take a picture before I started! Naturally I started with unpicking all the seams/darts at which point my daughter begged for …
Whilst tidying my studio and making knitting needle rolls I have been contemplating various ways of storing my precious knitting needles. Why not reuse an item from around your home? Although I have to admit to craving a beautiful upcycle wine crate: How do you store your knitting needles? Check out my knitting needles case tutorial here.
Not sure what the weather is like with you but it is rather cold and snowy here. The perfect time to set too and make the woolly jumper cushion cover then! The previous cushion cover had seen better days!! I am using this jumper I gained from a local clothes swish:) It is acrylic and will easily …
2012 has been quite a year, my creativity was resparked with a Christmas gift from my husband…”the perfect handmade bag” by Clare Youngs. I was inspired to set to and make some of the bags from the book, which I greatly enjoyed. Prompted on by a friend setting up a Facebook Page and attending craft …
Time is rapidly running out for making homemade Christmas presents. My original christmas card design was pressed bracken trees on handmade paper. However I quickly became covered in sticky adhesive spray, and found the bracken difficult to stick down (as you can see!). So instead I have gone for an old christian music score folded into a tree …
I am loving pinterest to see what other people are making, feeling inspired by the following upcycled creations: I particularly like the use of old fashioned wooden coat hangers for the handles, coupled with mens shirts. Plus Zinc White have a rather stylish website which also features jewellery made from crayons. Interesting facts are featured “in the …