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DIY Shibori Quilt, transform old duvet covers

If you are joining me from the Bloggers Quilt Festival a warm welcome. My name is Vicky, I love to sew and create using former clothes/items. Normally quilts intimidate me – the idea of precise sewing over a large area just seems too much. I am super excited to share with you my shibori quilt – transforming two old duvet covers, a denim blue and a white (it had some stains I couldn’t shift). My previous experience of quilt making is limited to a denim rag quilt, a pattern review of Watkins Star Quilt and a cot bed quilt made from old shirts

When I found the blue duvet in a charity shop (thrift shop) I felt I had hit the jackpot, beautiful denim colour with a nice weight. Almost too good a find to use! I contemplated using it to make a jacket but once the idea of making a shibori quilt formed my mind was made up.

Shibori is a traditional Japanese method of dying fabrics with indigo dye, using resists to create patterns. I bought a kit from Amazon.

For non-quilters like myself, this is how I made my shibori quilt – step by step. If you are an experienced quilter please do share ways to improve the results/process.

Have fun learning how to make a variety of patterns with indigo dye. with shibori techniques. Create this shibori quilt by upcycling old sheets, step by step tutorial #sewing #quilt #shibori #diy #upcycle

If you want more shibori inspiration check out these posts!

How to make a shibori table runner and table mats

How to make a shibori scarf

Shibori inspired denim heart pencil cases

Shibori inspired denim large floor cushion

How to make a shibori quilt

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Fold your square white fabric in different ways to create a variety of patterns. I made five patterns on six pieces, for the quilt you will need 25 pieces but this meant I could choose my favourite.

Fabric gathered and held with rubber bands

Fabric folded, and then folded into squares. Wooden squares held in place by rubber bands.

Fabric folded, and then folded into squares. Wooden squares held in place by rubber bands.

Fabric roughly gathered and tied with string

Fabric roughly gathered and tied with string

Fabric gathered and held by rubber bands

The last design I folded as per instructions in the packet.

Once you have followed the instructions and dyed your fabric its time to decide on a layout of your design.

Trim your squares (if needed) to using a rotary cutter, cutting matt and quilters ruler.

Create panel, placing the right side of a white square to the right side of a 4 by 13″ strip, stitch, add a further white square. Repeat until you have five white squares joined by strips of denim. Press. Repeat until you have five strips of fabric.

Join these strips together, laying right sides together.

Once you have finished the top of your quilt create a sandwich of backing, wadding and top. I held mine in place with a temporary fabric spray and quilter pins.

Quilt around the squares using a walking foot. I found it helpful to roll the sides of the quilt to fit in around the foot fo the machine.

Lastly, bind the quilt. As I said earlier I am no expert quilter – to bind your quilt cut strips of fabric 3″ wide. Press wrong sides together. Place the raw edge of the binding along the raw edge of the quilt. Follow this great youtube tutorial for mitred corners.

We had fun trying to photograph the finished quilt, this is my six-year-old holding it up for me!

DIY shibori quilt How to make a Shibori quilt,

My quilt is not perfect, my squares are not exact and my edge a little uneven but I am delighted with the result, once on a bed no-one will notice.

Honestly, if I can make a quilt so can you!! It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to have a go and try something new. Reuse what you have.

If you love denim I have a fabulous denim quilt as you denim quilt to inspire you, and a detailed post on how to tie dye.

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Saturday 4th of August 2018

Beautiful, Vicky! I wish I could muster the resolve to make one! After I read your post a few more times, maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks so much for sharing. Lauren

Gloria Gauntt

Thursday 12th of April 2018

I have always been a green and yellow person as far as favorite colors, but I think I'm entering my "blue" period. Recently bought an inexpensive quilt at the big box store that has large squares and is predominantly blue. I love it! I may leave it on the bed all summer and forget the summer quilt this year. Your quilt is beautiful and I'm saving this in case I get inspired to try it. I can at least use the directions to make a quilt out of material I have on hand if I don't want to dye fabric. Thanks!


Thursday 12th of April 2018

I'm a lover of indigo dyeing too! You can save some time and just dye a duvet cover. It just takes a bit to fold it. I love mine.

Rosie (@greenrosielife)

Thursday 19th of October 2017

Your quilt is simply stunning so do not knock yourself for a few imperfections. In fact if everyone was happy with something a bit less than 100% perfect I think the world would be a much better place, happy to accept the home-made, upcycled and reused things earlier generations took as normal! Thank you for adding your beautiful blue tie-dyed quilt to #GoingGreen

Esther Aliu

Wednesday 4th of October 2017

Oh I love this, what a great project!

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