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How to Sew a Hand Sanitizer Holder

I am super excited to show you how to make a hand sanitizer pouch, with a swivel claw clip, perfect for clipping onto your bag.

Let me show you how to make a hand sanitizer pouch, with a swivel claw clip, perfect for clipping onto your bag. Its super quick and easy.

I don’t know if you are like me, rummaging around in the bottom of your bag to find you hand sanitizer? This DIY hand sanitizer is super quick and easy to make, and makes a great last-minute gift too!

Let me show you how to make a hand sanitizer pouch, with a swivel claw clip, perfect for clipping onto your bag. Its super quick and easy.

You can easily make this with some fabric scraps, a couple of and a swivel claw clip. I have chosen to make one out of cork to pair with my new crossbody bag (pattern coming soon!).

Let me show you how to make a hand sanitizer pouch, with a swivel claw clip, perfect for clipping onto your bag. Its super quick and easy.

How to sew a Hand Sanitizer Holder

How to sew a Hand Sanitizer Holder


  • One outer fabric and one lining piece 3 1/2 by 8 1/2"
  • One outer fabric and one lining piece 3 1/2" by 5 1/2"
  • One outer piece 1 by 3 1/2"
  • 2 Snap fastners
  • 1 Swivel claw clasp


  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Scissors


  1. Let's start with making the loop for swivel clip. Fold your 1 by 3 1/2" piece in half (longways), open out and fold in the outer edges to this central line, and fold again. Thread the swivel slap onto this thread.
  2. Place this 5" up from the bottom edge of the longest piece, baste into place.
  3. Place the lining fabric on top so right sides are facing.
  4. Stitch down the two ling side and one short side with a 3/8" seam allowance. Trim the corner and turn right sides out.
  5. Repeat with your second pieces of fabric.
  6. Turn in the open edge on both pieces and top stitch to close.
  7. Stitch down the sides and 1/4" in along the base, leaving an opening for your hand sanitizer lid to fit through. Ensure you backstitch at both ends of each line of stitching.
  8. Lastly, hand stitch the snap fasteners into place, I have chosen to put one each side of the closing lid.


If you chose to use cork fabric I suggest using a walking foot.

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Dotty Haylett Reese

Wednesday 23rd of December 2020

What is a cork fabric? I never heard of it, is it something only in UK as I am USA.


Tuesday 29th of December 2020

Cork fabric info: Cork fabric is also known as cork leather or vegan leather because it is seen as the animal-friendly alternative to leather. It is a high quality fabric... Natural Cork.

Very useful instructions as I’m forever digging in my bag for sanitiser.

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